Two part - JESANI Door Channel


Two part JESANI® Dor Channel - Summary

A JESANI® Door Channel originally custom designed for clients, the Two-Part Door Channel overcomes the challenge of having a shower 300 mm or less to the door.
ost JESANI Door Channels can be used without a trap but if you want to use a trap, you can use the JESANI® 65mm outlet door channel. As with all other JESANI® Door Channels, the 65mm provides full doorway protection ensuring accidental overflows are stopped and drained at the threshold.

Crafted from high-quality 304 or 316 stainless steel, the JESANI Door Channel enhances both the functionality and aesthetics of the wetroom as well as protecting the adjoining rooms from accidental overflows and costly insurance claims.

* Please note - all JESANI Door Channels are patented by design, improvement to drainage and drainage location (wet to dry threshold).


Vinyl Clamping Shower Channel


65 mm Outlet - JESANI Door Channel